Thursday, November 15, 2007

40 percent

Well, there was an article over at earlier this morning, but by the time I got to work it was gone (happens).

It only had two nice bits of information:

1. Due to MLB rules, they have to at least offer Monroe 60% of what he was making last year, or about $2.77. Sounds like they are going to low-ball him with a one-year, incentive heavy deal. Yeah, cause those always work. (By the way, isn't two and three-quarters million dollars enough incentive to try your best anyway?) Oh, and Craig's only needs to be two words: stop sucking.
2. Another instance of a reporter mentioning that Monroe is looking to 'bounce back' from his horrid 2007 season. Say whaaaa? Did I miss something? Bounce back to what? The .255 avg and 126 SOs he had in his 'career year'.

Listen, folks, Craig Monroe was never a good baseball player. He is a terrible hitter. Last season was not a slump, he has always been this way. There is no bouncing back, because their is nothing to bounce back to. Picture an under-inflated basketball, if you will.

The non-tender deadline is less than two weeks away. Keep your fingers crossed.

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